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D11 / Picopath
MicroPathPlus & D6B
Edge & D80
Sam/Max Family
Allen Bradley


A two axis servo-controlled contouring control designed specifically for shape-cutting machines utilizing plasma and oxy-fuel cutting.

MicroPath Plus & D6B

A two axis dual processor servo-controlled contouring control designed specifically for shape-cutting machines utilizing plasma and oxy-fuel cutting. Available for  (Repairs, Support and Re-furbish only)

Edge & D80

A two axis servo-controlled pc-based contouring control designed specifically for shape-cutting machines utilizing plasma and oxy-fuel cutting with advanced consumable wear detection technology.

Sam/Max family, Sam, Sam+, Sam-EX, Euro Sam, Max, Max4, IMC-201  (Repairs and Support Only).

Single, two and four axis general purpose motion control product.

Allen Bradley S/Class family, models 202-212-204-214-232-234 Integrated, non-integrated and Compact (Repairs and Support Only).

Two and four axis general purpose motion control products.

Creonics Panelgage and Panelgage II family, models 054- and 030 (Repairs and Support and Re-furbish only)

Two axes Punch gauging control used primarily on Whitney Punch presses


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Copyright © 2020 New England Computer Controls
Last modified: 02/06/2020